Fachbereich 9

School of Business Administration and Economics

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Neben zahlreichen Konferenzbeiträgen in hoch gerankten Konferenzserien wie European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 (insgesamt mehr als 20 Beiträge von Prof. Teuteberg seit Beginn der ECIS Conference), Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) (Prof. Teuteberg zählt mit mehr 17 platzierten Beiträgen auf der WI-Tagung zu den weltweit 20 produktivsten Autoren (gemessen an der Anzahl veröffentlichter Beiträge) seit Beginn der WI-Tagung im Jahr 1993), ICIS 2009, ICIS 2013, ICIS 2014, ICIS 2018, ICIS 2019 (alle A-Ranking laut WKWI; ICIS-Proceedings TOP 5 Publikation Teilranking Wirtschaftsinformatik, VHBJourqual2) und zahlreichen deutschsprachigen Journal-Publikationen wurden in den letzten Jahren insbesondere auch eine Vielzahl an Beiträgen in internationalen Zeitschriften zur Publikation. Die Beiträge wurden doppelt blind von in der Regel drei externen Gutachtern begutachtet, durchliefen zum Teil mehrere Revisionen und wurden schließlich bei Akzeptanzraten der Zeitschriften von 10 bis 30 % zur Publikation angenommen.

Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg zählt zu den top 1% der forschungsstärksten Wissenschaftler der Betriebswirtschaftslehre im Raum Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz

Prof. Teuteberg zählt zu den top 1 % der forschungsstärksten Wissenschaftler der BWL sowie zur top 10 der forschungsstärksten Wirtschaftsinformatik-Professoren (in Niedersachsen ist Prof. Teuteberg der forschungsstärkste Wirtschaftsinformatik-Professor) lt. Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche. Basis dieser Bestenliste ist eine Analyse der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen der Jahre 2014 bis 2018 von über 2500 Wissenschaftlern der BWL  im Raum Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz mittels des Zeitschriftenratings VHB-Jourqual3 (über 850 wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschriften) des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) durch Forscher der ETH Zürich und der Universität Düsseldorf für die WirtschaftsWoche. 

In einem weiteren Ranking des wissenschaftlichen Lebenswerkes in das die Publikationsdaten von 3390 Wissenschaftlern der BWL einflossen zählt Prof. Teuteberg bereits zu den top 2 % (Quelle: WirtschaftsWoche, Ausgabe 4 vom 18.01.2019).
Zum Ranking "Das sind die besten Forscher in der BWL" gelangen Sie hier.
Zur Methodik des Rankings gelangen Sie hier.

Eine kleine Auswahl aus den Forschungsbereichen Industrie 4.0, Mensch-Technik-Interaktion, Augmented Reality, künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Digital Preservation, Green IS, Green Logistics, Life Cycle Impact Modeling, Sustainability Reporting sowie Semantisches Prozessbenchmarking zeigt die folgende Auswahl. Die Vielzahl akzeptierter Annahmen von Forschungsbeiträgen verdeutlicht die hohe Qualität, Rigorosität und Relevanz der Forschung am Fachgebiet Unternehmensrechnung und Wirtschaftsinformatik (Prof. Teuteberg). Einige der Beiträge erhielten eine Best Paper Nominierung oder zählen zu den jeweils am „stärksten nachgefragten“ Beiträgen in den jeweiligen Zeitschriften (gemessen an der Zahl der „full text downloads“).

Oesterreich, T. D.; Anton, E.; Schuir, J.; Teuteberg, F.; Al-Busaidi, A. S.; Dwivedi, Y. K.: Learning from the past to advance the future: synthesizing the meta-analysis landscape in information systems research; erscheint in: Information Systems Frontiers: A Journal of Research and Innovation, 2025.
Bonnet, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Blockchain and NFTs in IP Management − Expert Insights on Benefits, Challenges, and Future Prospects; erscheint in: International Journal of Blockchain Applications and Secure Computing (IJBASC), 2025.
Bonnet, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Unfolding the Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence – Design Principles for Chatbots in Academic Teaching and Research; erscheint in: International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), 2025.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Anton, E.; Hettler, F.; Teuteberg, F.: What drives individuals’ trusting intention in digital platforms? An exploratory meta-analysis; in: Management Review Quarterly, 2024. (Rating: B, VHB Rating 2024).
Anton, E.; Aptyka, H.; Teuteberg, F.: Got Milk? Got Cybersecurity Risks! Unraveling Ransomware Threats in the German Dairy Industry"; to appear in: Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People, 2024.
Herberg, S.; Zerth, J.; Hammer, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Reha-Empfehlungen nach § 31 SGB XI: Empirie, Diskussion und gesundheitspolitische Implikationen; erscheint in: Das Gesundheitswesen, 2024.

Isensee, C.; Griese, K.-M.; Teuteberg, F.: Digital platforms and the SDGs: A socio-eco-technical framework for SMEs based on cross-case analysis, accepted in: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2024.

Beinke, M.; Beinke, J.; Anton, E.; Teuteberg, F. (2024): Breaking the Chains of Traditional Finance: A Taxonomy of Decentralized Finance Business Models; Electronic Markets.
Hettler, F.; Schumacher, J.P.; Anton, E.; Teuteberg, F.: Understanding the User Perception of Digital Nudging in Platform Interface Design; erscheint in: Electronic Commerce Research, 2024.
Sonntag, M.; Mehmann, S.; Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Development and Evaluation of a ¬Maturity Model for AI Deployment Capability of Manufacturing Companies; erscheint in: Information Systems Management, 2024.
Oldemeyer, L.; Jede, A.; Teuteberg, F.: Investigation of artificial intelligence in SMEs: a systematic review of the state of the art and the main implementation challenges; in: Management Review Quarterly (2024).
Sonntag, M.; Schuir, J.; Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Customer Service Ethics in the Metaverse: A Value-sensitive Design Science Approach"; erscheint in:  International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2024

Kurpiela, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Emerging profit pools in the mobility sector: A system dynamics approach; erscheint in: Int. J. of Electronic Business; 2024.
Bonnet, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: A systematic literature review and research agenda; erscheint in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2024.
Kurpiela, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Linking Business Analytics Affordances to Corporate Strategic Planning and Decision Making Outcomes; erscheint in: Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2023.
Pöhler, L.; Teuteberg, F.: Suitability- and Utilization-Based Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of Virtual Reality for Workplace and Process Design; erscheint in: Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISEB), 2023.
Sonntag, M.; Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Deriving trust-supporting design knowledge for AI-based chatbots in customer service: A use case from the automotive industry; erscheint in: Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 2023.
Kurpiela, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Product-service system-oriented business models: A taxonomy of startups in the mobility sector; erscheint in: Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2023.
Sonntag, M.; Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F. (2023): Trust-Supporting Design Elements as Signals for AI-Based Chatbots in Customer Service - A Behavior-Based Explanatory Model; erscheint in: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 2023.
Anton, E.; Oesterreich, T. D.; Aptyka M.; Teuteberg, F. (2023): Beyond Digital Data and Information Technology: Conceptualizing Data-Driven Culture; Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (accepted)
Arlinghaus, T.; Kus, K.; Kajüter, P.; Teuteberg, F. (2023): Visualizing Benefits of Case Management Software Using Utility Effect Chains, erscheint in: Sustainability, vol. 15, 2023.
Herberg, S.; Teuteberg, F.; Zerth, J. (2023): Case Management für Personen mit Pflegebedarf und gebrechliche ältere Personen; in: Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement 2023; 28 (01), S. 26 - 33.
Computers in Industry | Journal | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier

Kurpiela, S.; Teuteberg, F.: The Changing Role and Competence Profiles of Strategic Oriented Jobs in Times of Product-Service Systems and Business Analytics. An Analysis of Job Advertisements; erscheint in: Computers in Industry, 2023.  

von Skarczinski, B.; Raschke, M.; Teuteberg, F.: Modelling maximum cyber incident losses of German organisations: An empirical study and modified extreme value distribution approach; in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 2023.

Isensee, C.; Teuteberg, F.; Griese, K.-M.: Success factors of organizational resilience: A qualitative investigation of four types of sustainable digital entrepreneurs; in: Management Decision, 2023.

Bonnet, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Impact of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for the management, protection, enforcement and monetization of intellectual property: a systematic literature review; in: Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2022.
Computers in Industry | Journal | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier

Bonnet, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Impact of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for the management of the intellectual property life cycle: a multiple case study analysis; Computers in Industry, 2022.

Oesterreich, T. D.; Anton, E.; Schuir, J.; Teuteberg, F. : How Can I Help You? Design Principles for Task-Oriented Speech Dialog Systems in Customer Service; in: Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB), 2022.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Anton, E.; Teuteberg, F.; Dwivedi, Y.: The role of the social and technical factors in creating business value from big data analytics: A meta-analysis; Journal of Business Research, Vol. 153 (December), pp.128-149, 2022.
Isensee, C.; Teuteberg, F., Griese, K.-M.: The role of organizational culture for achieving emission reduction: Evidence from an SME case study; Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Anton, E.; Teuteberg, F.: What translates big data into business value? A meta-analysis of the impacts of business analytics on firm performance; in: Information & Management, 2022.
von Skarczinski, B.; Dreissigacker, A.; Teuteberg, F.: Toward enhancing the information base on costs of cyber incidents: Implications from literature and a large-scale survey conducted in Germany; in: Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People, 2022.
Straatmann, T.; Schumacher J.-P.; Koßmann, C.; Poehler, L.; Teuteberg, F.; Mueller, K.; Hamborg K.-C.: Advantages of Virtual Reality for the Participative Design of Work Processes: An Integrated Perspective; in: WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2022.
Jacob, A.; Faatz, A.; Knüppe, L.; Teuteberg, F.: Understanding the effectiveness of gamification in an industrial work process;  Business Process Management Journal, 2022.
Jacob, A.; Teuteberg, F.: How Social Networks Influence Organizational Innovation Adoption; International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2022.
Renyi, M.; Gaugisch, P.; Hunck, A.; Strunck, S.; Kunze, C.; Teuteberg, F.: Uncovering the Complexity of Care Networks – Towards a Taxonomy of Collaboration Complexity in Homecare; Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work, 2022.
Anton, E.; Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F.: The Property of Being Causal – The Conduct of Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Information Systems Research; Information & Management, 2022.
Kurpiela, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Strategic Planning of Product-Service Systems: A systematic Literature Review; in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 338, 1, March 2022.
Herberg, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Reducing hospital admissions and transfers to long-term inpatient care: A systematic literature review; in: Health Services Management Research, 2022.

Behne, A., Krüger, N., Beinke, J.H., Teuteberg, F.: Learnings from the design and acceptance of the German COVID-19 tracing app for IS-driven crisis management: a design science research. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 21, 238 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-021-01579-7

("BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making", part of Springer Nature, is one of only two A+ journals (rank #1 and highest score) in the ranking of E-health Clinical-focused Journals according to Serenko, Alexander; Dohan, Michael S; Tan, Joseph (2017). "Global Ranking of Management- and Clinical-centered eHealth Journals" . Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 41: 198–215.)

Jacob, A.; Faatz, A.: Knüppe, L; Teuteberg, F.: The impact of gamification on macro- and micro-level social structures—The case of an industrial organization; in: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2021.
Krüger, N., Behne, A., Beinke, J.H., Stibe, A., Teuteberg, F.: Exploring user acceptance determinants of COVID-19-tracing apps to manage the pandemic; accepted for publication in: International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI).
Beinke, J. H.; Rohde, K.; Pohl, F.; Teuteberg, F.: : Exploring the Success Factors of Security Token Offerings: An Empirical Approach; in: International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2021.
Schuir, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Understanding Augmented Reality Adoption Trade-Offs in Production Environments from the Perspective of Future Employees: A Choice-Based Conjoint Study; in: Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2021.
Weiß J. P.; Hübner, U.; Rauch, J.; Thye, J.; Teuteberg, F.; van der Linde, J.; Thiesing, F.; Liebe, J. D.: Improving health IT monitoring via an electronic system for the exchange between science and practice. GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol, 2021.
Anton, E.; Oesterreich, T. D.; Schuir, J.; Protz, L.; Teuteberg, F.: A Business Model Taxonomy for Start-ups in the Electric Power Industry ‒ The Electrifying Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Business Model Innovation; in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2021.
Behne, A.; Beinke, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Understanding the Role of Technology in Cross-Industry Innovation: Design and Evaluation of a Conceptual Framework; in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2021.
Feldmann, A.; Teuteberg, F.: The 5 P’s to success in intrapreneurial programs; in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (ZfgG), 2020.
Meier, P.; Beinke, J.H.; Fitte, C.; Schulte to Brinke, J.; Teuteberg, F.: Generating Design Knowledge for Blockchain-based Access Control to Personal Health Records; in: Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2020.
Feldmann, A.; Teuteberg, F.: Success Factors for Hackathons: German Banks Collaborate To Tame the Economic Crisis; erscheint in: Journal of Business Strategy, 2020.
Feldmann, A.; Teuteberg, F.: Understanding the Factors Affecting Employees' Motivation to Engage in Co-Creation in the Banking Industry; in: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), Volume 17, Issue 2, 2020.
Isensee, C.; Teuteberg, F.; Griese, K.-M.; Topi, C.: The relationship between organizational culture, sustainability, and digitalization in SMEs: A systematic review; in: Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.
Renyi, M.; Lindwedel-Reime, U.; Blattert, L.; Teuteberg, F.; Kunze, C.: COLLABORATION APPLICATIONS FOR MIXED HOMECARE – A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON EVALUATIONS AND OUTCOMES"; in: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2020.
Tönnissen, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung mit Process Mining und der Blockchain auf Time-driven Activity-based Costing; in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis,(BFuP) 72. Jg. (2020), Heft 1, S. 20-39.
Tönnissen S., Beinke, J. H., Teuteberg, F.: Understanding token-based ecosystems – a taxonomy of blockchain-based business models of start-ups, in: Electronic Markets: The International Journal on Networked Business, 2020.
Feldmann, A.; Teuteberg, F.: UNDERSTANDING AND ASSESSING THE IMPLICATIONS OF CO-CREATION IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY: A CASE STUDY; in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (ZfgG), Heft 3, 2019.
Feldmann, A.; Teuteberg, F.: ‘Intrapreneurship’ is not a spelling mistake – what makes it different from a traditional project?; in: Journal of Business Strategy, 2020.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F.; Bensberg, F.; Buscher, G.: The controlling profession in the digital age: Understanding the impact of digitisation on the controller’s job roles, skills and competences; in: International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.
Tönnissen, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Erfolgsfaktoren von Crowdfunding mit Initial Coin Offerings – eine explorative Analyse; angenommen zur Publikation: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP) (Heft 5/2019: Innovative Formen der Gründungsfinanzierung), 2019.
Winter, A.; Haux, R.; Paech, B.; Teuteberg, F.; Hübner, U.: Wirtschaftsinformatik und Medizinische Informatik – wo stehen die beiden Disziplinen und wie stehen sie zueinander? In: GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 2019 15 (1). Artikel online frei zugänglich unter https://www.egms.de/en/journals/mibe/2019-15/mibe000201.shtml
Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F.: Integrating System Dynamics and VoFI for the dynamic visualization of financial implications arising from IT and IS investments; in: Journal of Modeling in Management, 2019.
Tönnissen, S.; Teuteberg, F.: Analysing the impact of blockchain-technology for Operations and Supply Chain Management: an explanatory model drawn from multiple case studies; in: Journal: International Journal of Information Management, 2019.
Beinke, J. H.; Fitte, C.; Teuteberg, F.: Towards a Stakeholder-oriented Blockchain-based Architecture for Electronic Health Records; in: Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019. According to the Journal Citation Reports the journal has a 2016 impact factor of 4.671, ranking it first out of 22 journals in the category "Medical Informatics"[1] and 4th out of 90 journals in the category "Health Care Sciences & Services".
Oesterreich, T.D.; Teuteberg, F.: The role of business analytics in the controllers’ and management accountants’ competence profiles: An exploratory study on individual level data; in: Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 2019.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F. (2019): Behind the scenes: Understanding the socio-technical barriers to BIM adoption through the theoretical lens of Information Systems research; in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F. (2018): Looking at the big picture of IS investment appraisal through the lens of systems theory: A System Dynamics approach for understanding the economic impact of BIM; in: Computers in Industry, 2018.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F.: Why one big picture is worth a thousand numbers? Measuring intangible benefits of investments in Augmented Reality based assistive technology using utility effect chains and System Dynamics; in: Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol. 16, 2018.

Fruth, M.; Teuteberg, F.: Digitization in Maritime Logistics - What is There and What ist Missing?; in: Cogent Business & Management, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2017.1411066

Frehe, V.; Teuteberg, F.: Information and Communication Technology in Green Logistics - Status Quo and Research Gaps; in: Management Review Quarterly (MRQ), 2017.
Walterbusch, M.; Fietz A.; Teuteberg, F. (2017): Missing Cloud Security Awareness: Investigating Risk Exposure in Shadow IT; in: Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2017.
Oesterreich, T. D.; Teuteberg, F. (2017): Understanding the implications of digitisation and automation in the context of Industry 4.0: A triangulation approach and elements of a research agenda for the construction industry; in: Computers in Industry, 2017.
Frehe, V.; Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F. (2017): Understanding and Assessing Crowd Logistics Business Models - Using Everyday People for Last Mile Delivery; in: Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp.75 - 97, 2017.
Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F.(2016): The Fourth-Party Logistics Service Provider Approach to support Sustainable Development Goals in Transportation - A Case Study of the German Agricultural Bulk Logistics Sector; in: Journal of Cleaner Production.
Jede, A.; Teuteberg, F.(2015):Understanding Socio-Technical Impacts Arising from Software-as-a-Service Usage in Companies: A Mixed Method Analysis on Individual Level Data; in: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE).
Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F.(2016): Process reengineering by using the 4PL approach – a case study on transportation processing in the agricultural bulk logistics sector; in: Business Process Management Jounrnal.
Mehmann, J.; Teuteberg, F.(2015): Understanding the 4PL Approach within an Agricultural Supply Chain Using Matrix Model and Cross-Case Analysis; in: The Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp. 1-18.
Jede, A.; Teuteberg, F.(2016): Towards a Document-driven Approach for Designing Reference Models: From a Conceptual Process Model to its Application; in: Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 111, pp.254-269.
Stiel, F.; Michel, T.; Teuteberg, F.(2015): Enhancing Manufacturing and Transportation Decision Support Systems with LCA Add-ins; in: Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 110, pp. 85-98.
Jede, A.; Teuteberg, F.(2016): Investigating Preconditions for a Financially Advantageous Cloud Usage; in: International Journal of Accounting and Information Management; vol. 24, no. 2, 2016.
Cover des Journals Behaviour & Information TechnologyJede, A.; Teuteberg, F.(2016): Towards Cloud-based Supply Chain Processes: Designing a Reference Model and Elements of Research Agenda; in: International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 27.
Cover des Journals Behaviour & Information TechnologyBurda, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2015): Exploring Consumer Preferences in Cloud Archiving – A Students' Perspective; in: Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 34, pp. 1-17.
Cover des Information Systems ManagementBurda, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2015): UNDERSTANDING SERVICE QUALITY AND SYSTEM QUALITY SUCCESS FACTORS IN CLOUD ARCHIVING FROM AN END-USER PERSPECTIVE; in:  Information Systems Management, vol. 32, no.4, pp. 266-284.
Cover des The Journal of High Technology Management ResearchBurda, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2014): The Role of Trust and Risk Perceptions in Cloud Archiving - Results from an Empirical Study; in: The Journal of High Technology Management Research, vol. 25, no.2, pp. 172-187.
Cover des International Journal of Information Technology & Decision MakingWalterbusch, M.; Martens, B.; Teuteberg, F.(2015): A DECISION MODEL FOR THE EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES: A FIRST STEP TOWARDS A MORE SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE"; in: International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 253-285 (The journal is currently ranked 12th out of 79 in the category of Operation Research & Management Science, and 24 out of 135 in Computer Science, Information Systems; 2013 IMPACT FACTOR: 1.890).
Cover des Journals Benchmarking: An international JournalTeuteberg, F.; Kluth, M.; Ahlemann, F., Smolnik, S.(2013): Semantic Process Benchmarking to Improve Process Performance; in: Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 20, no.4, pp. 484-511.
Cover des Journals Environmental Modelling & SoftwareStiel, F., Teuteberg, F.(2014): Measuring the Environmental Impact of IT/IS Solutions - A Life Cycle Impact Modelling Approach; in: Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 94-104. (Impact Factor of the Journal in 2012: 3.476 (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports).
Cover des Journals Management Research ReviewFreundlieb, M.; Gräuler, M.; Teuteberg, F.(2014): A Conceptual Framework for the Quality Evaluation of Sustainability Reports; in: Management Research Review, vol. 37, iss. 1, pp. 19-44.
Cover des Journal of Information ScienceBurda, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2013): Sustaining Accessibility of Information Through Digital Preservation: A Literature Review; in: Journal of Information Science, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 442-458.
Cover des Journals Management Research ReviewWalterbusch, M.; Martens, B.; Teuteberg, F.(2013): Evaluating Cloud Computing Services from a Total Cost of Ownership Perspective; in: Management Research Review, vol. 36, iss. 6, pp. 613-638.
Cover des Journal of Law, Information and Science (JLIS)Burda, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2012):Why Discard when You Can Keep Them? - A Case Study on the E-Mail Retention Behavior in Firms; in: Journal of Law, Information and Science (JLIS), vol. 23, p. 183. (Rejection rates of the journal for 2004-2009 were over 80%).
Cover des Information Resources Management JournalBurda, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2013): Investigating the Needs, Capabilities and Decision Making Mechanisms in Digital Preservation: Insights from a Multiple Case Study; in: Information Resources Management Journal,vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 17-39.
Cover des International Journal of Information Technology and the Systems ApproachGräuler, M.; Teuteberg, F.; Mahmoud, T.; Marx Gómez, J.(2013): Requirements Prioritization and Design Considerations for the Next Generation of Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems - A Foundation for Innovation; in: International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA), vol 6, no. 1, pp. 98-116.
Cover des Journals Information Systems FrontiersGräuler, M.; Freundlieb, M.; Ortwerth, K.; Teuteberg, F.(2013): Understanding the Beliefs, Actions and Outcomes of Sustainability Reporting: An Experimental Approach; in: Information Systems Frontiers, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 779-797.
Cover des International Journal of Entrepreneurial VenturingZarvic, N., Martens, B., Thomas, O., Teuteberg, F. (2013): Supporting Entrepreneurial Venturing of SMEs in Cloud Computing Environments: A dependency-driven construction of scenario maps; in: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, vol. 5,no. 3, pp. 272-291.
Cover der AIS Transactions on Human-Computer InteractionFreundlieb, M.; Teuteberg, F.(2012): Augmented Sustainability Reports – A Design Science Approach; in: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 4, iss. 4, pp. 230-247.
Cover des International Journal on Innovation and Sustainable DevelopmentFreundlieb, M.; Teuteberg, F.(2013): Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting - A Transnational Analysis of Online Corporate Social Responsibility Reports by Market-Listed Companies: Contents and their Evolution; in: International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, vol. 7, no.1, pp. 1-26.
Cover des Journals Information Systems FrontiersMartens, B., Teuteberg, F.(2012): Decision-Making in Cloud Computing Environments - A Cost and Risk Based Approach; in: Information Systems Frontiers, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 871-893; SCI indexed Journal, Impact Factor: 1.596.
Cover des International Journal of Logistics Systems and ManagementWittstruck, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2012): Integrating the Concept of Sustainability into the Partner Selection Process: A Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS Approach; in: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 195-226.
Cover des Journals Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental ManagementWittstruck, D.; Teuteberg, F.(2012): Understanding the Success Factors of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Empirical Evidence from the Electrics and Electronics Industry; in: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (formerly Journal of Eco-Management and Auditing), vol. 19. no. 3, pp. 141-158.

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