15. Oktober 2024 : 6th REECAP Conference 2024 in Córdoba
From the 24 to the 26 of September 2024, agricultural and experimental economists from the REECAP consortium met for the sixth annual conference in Córdoba, Spain.
Scientists from the REECAP consortium (Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy) met this year at the Universidad de Córdoba in Spain. The annual meetings serve to present the work of the consortium members to other researchers and experts. Together they discuss experimental approaches to evaluate and improve the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The meetings are an opportunity to strengthen one's own network by brainstorming together about communication channels, new projects, etc. to discuss the application of economic and experimental approaches to evaluate and improve the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Marieke Baaken, Moritz Fritschle and Thomas Rellensmann represented the Department of Environmental Economics with conference papers on the topics ‘Multi-country perspectives on best practices and barriers to lab-in-the-field experiments with farmers’ (Marieke Baaken), ‘Farmers’ identity and their preferences for public versus private incentives to support biodiversity-enhancing agriculture’ (Moritz Fritschle), and ’Do result-based payments work better for groups? An experiment with German farmers’ (Thomas Rellensmann).