05. November 2024 : Results from DFG-funded project on vision-building presented at conferences and stakeholder meetings
The results from our project “Envisioning – and discussing – collective action for sustainability” were published in a working paper and presented at several conferences, such as the 25th BIOECON conference in Cambridge, the 9th Experimental Economics for the Environment Workshop in Bochum, and a pre-COP16 academic event on sustainable water management in Cali. Moreover, six stakeholder meetings in Colombia were organized to discuss results.
We participated in a session of the AG Landuse Seminar (UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, on 13 August), an online session of the LaER Seminar (LaER group, University of Osnabrück, online session on 2 September), the 25th BIOECON conference (King’s College in Cambridge, UK, on 4 – 6 September), the 9th Experimental Economics for the Environment Workshop (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, on 10 – 11 September), a pre-COP16 academic event on sustainable water management (co-organized with the Department of Economics at Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia, on 25 September) and the VIII Congreso de Economía Colombiana (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, 3 – 4 October).
In addition, on 19 September, we met with members of the Asociación para el Desarrollo Campesino (ADC) and Asoyarcocha to expound on the methodology of our study. Both organizations supported the initial pre-tests of our experiment in La Cocha (Pasto, Nariño Department, Colombia) and were interested in learning about our methods and exploring other applications. Finally, between 15 and 19 October in the Lake Tota area (Aquitania, Cuítiva and Tota, Boyacá department, Colombia), we held five meetings with former collaborators and participants in our experiment sessions during 2023 to present and discuss the scope, lessons and potential applications of our project results. Around 150 participants, plus a group of pupils from the technical school where the experiment sessions were conducted last year, discussed their collective action challenges around their lake’s management, potential solutions and the awareness of these facilitated by their participation in the experiment.
The feedback and insights gathered during these meetings have fed into ideas for revising the working paper (available in ECONSTOR and SSRN) and new research concepts. We will provide updates on significant developments in the project’s mini-site. Stay tuned.